Department of English Language
The English Language Department is among the few departments that were opened when the University was first established. It is now one of the departments under the College of Leadership and Governance. It was opened with the objective of offering Basic and Advanced English Language courses to students joining the University.
Besides offering common modules for undergraduate students, the Department provides special tutorial support for female students, students with disabilities and students who come from emerging regions and attend undergraduate and graduate programs in the university.
As part of its community service undertakings, the Department also caters for the needs of the university staff and the staff of different offices under Ministry of Public Service and Human Resource Development. The trainings are designed taking into account the specific English language and communication needs of the trainees.
Modules offered in the Undergraduate programs
- Basic English Module
- Advanced Writing Module
Focus of Tutorial Services for Graduate Students
- Academic Writing Skills
- Presentation Skills
- Study Skills
Short –Term Tailored Training Areas
- Report Writing Skills
- Skills in Conducting Meetings in English
- English for Secretaries
- Basic Oral Communication Skill
Staff Profile:
S.N |
Instructor’s Full Name |
sex |
Nationality |
Qualification |
Academic Rank |
Field of specialization |
1 |
Ayneabeba Andualem
M |
Ethiopian |
MA |
Lecture |
2 |
Ephrem Mergia
M |
Ethiopian |
MA |
Lecture |
3 |
Habtamu Lemma |
Ethiopian |
MA |
Lecture |
4 |
Kefelegn Tefera |
Ethiopian |
MA |
Lecture |