College of Finance, Management and Development

The College of Finance, Development and Management is one of the colleges in the Ethiopian Civil Service University. Some five years ago the University undertook a substantial structural change that resulted in the establishment of three Colleges of which College of Finance, Development and Management is one. The College is created by merging the former Institute of Public Management and Development studies and Institute of Tax and Customs Administration. The College is led by a dean and Deputy Dean. Besides, Heads of Department are members of the college’s governing body. The College has seven academic departments consisting 18 programs at undergraduate, masters and PhD levels. The Academic departments are: Department of Public Management, Department of Social Protection Management, Department of Development Economics, Department of Development Management, Department of Public Financial Management and Accounting, Department of Procurement and Asset Management, and Department of Tax and Customs Administration. In the following sections, the main purposes of these departments and their respective programs are briefly described. 
Departments’ description
Department of Public Management
The Department of Public Management is one of the seven departments under the College of Finance, Development and Management. The Department is currently offering PhD in Public Management, Master’s in Public Management (MPM), and undergraduate program in Management with the main aim to build the capacity of civil servants that allow them to accelerate the successful implementation of the nation’s strategies to ensure sustainable development. Since its establishment, the department has been providing a quality education to all its students being enrolled in the department as well as other departments in the ECSU. It also arranges special class for training women public servants in collaboration with FDRE Ministry of Women and Children Affairs. For successful delivery of its training program, the department has various faculty resources for various subjects drawn from domestic as well as international talented pool of resource in the areas of public management and leadership. In addition to teaching, the staffs in the department are also actively involving in provision of different community services and undertaking problem solving social researches.
Department of Social Protection Management
The Department of Social Protection Management is one of the seven departments under the College of Finance, Development and Management. It offers  Master’s program in Social Protection Management (MSPM), the main objective of the program is to produce educationally qualified, professionally competent and ethically sound graduates who can contribute towards the realization of international, continental, and national social protection policies. Furthermore, graduates of this program will be able to design "smart" social protection systems, systems that can be sustainably financed while being effective and flexible. They will also be able to contribute towards optimizing and, if necessary, reorganizing existing social protection systems, adapting them to future demographic, economic, and social challenges. The department has high quality and competent faculty staff in the areas of social protection management. Besides teaching, the staffs in the department are actively engaged in problem solving researches and provision of different community services.
Department of Development Economics 
The Department of Development Economics is one of the seven departments under the College of Finance, Development and Management. The Department is currently offering PhD in Development Economics, Master’s in Development Economics (MDE), and undergraduate program in Economics. The program is designed based on the strategic needs of the nation to have effective and efficient public servants in the area of economic development policy formulation and implementation. Students being enrolled in the department are properly equipped with the theoretical knowledge on developmental issues, quantification and application of theoretical and practical development models, problem solving research techniques and skills to tackle many of the challenges relating to economic development of the country. The department has high quality and competent faculty staff drawn from domestic and international talented pool of resources in the areas of development economics. Besides teaching, the staffs in the department are actively engaged in problem solving researches and provision of different community services.
Department of Development Management
The Department of Development Management is one of the seven departments under the College of Finance, Development and Management. The Department is currently offering Master’s program in Development Management (MDM) and undergraduate program in Development Management (BADM). The program provides the specialized knowledge and methodological training that goes beyond the usual horizons of those working in traditional Public Management, Political Science and Business Administration. The program stands pivotal in sensitizing students with the complicated development issues confronting the country so that they can be able efficiently and effectively contribute to poverty-eradication endeavors. This awareness of development complexities becomes even more crucial for Ethiopia as it becomes increasingly incorporated into the globalized world. The program, therefore, produces competent, efficient, effective, and ethical public servants who can serve in the public sector at both federal and regional government levels and significantly contribute to the realization of sustainable development goals of the country. The department has high quality and competent faculty staff who are actively engaged in teaching, training, problem solving researches and community services.
 Public Financial Management and Accounting
The department of Public Financial Management and Accounting consists three programs at different levels. This includes the Bachelor and Master Programs in Public Financial Management, Ph.D. Program in Public Financial Management as well as Master and Bachelor Programs in Accounting and Finance and Bachelor program Banking and Finance. Generally, the programs aim at providing adequate civil servants and trained human power at the public and private sector who are trained for managing public financial management and accounting and finance related issues with qualified expertise knowledge within the framework of the country’s laws in the way that the public financial management issues and accounting standards can be maintained. Specifically, the program aims at training individuals who will assume executive positions in the areas of Government and Private Accounting and Finance; enabling participants contribute to the practice of accounting and finance by shedding light on critical policy matters through scientific inquiries; allowing participants appreciate the current developments in accounting at a global level and ensure compliance with international accounting rules, to mention but few.
Department of Public Procurement and Asset Management
The Department provides two programs i.e. MA in Public Procurement and Asset Management, and BA in Public Procurement and Asset Management and Marketing Management. The envisaged Master’s program aims at satisfying the need for trained managers who are capable of remolding the Public Procurement and Asset Management system of the country in such a way that the Procurement and Asset Management process is performed with clearly set rules, regulations and procedures that would facilitate for enhancing efficiency and ensuring ethical standard of the procurement and asset management processes. In general, the program is expected to: equip the participants with the adequate knowledge for designing, improving, and managing the public procurement system of public organizations. The undergraduate program aims at providing adequate skilled manpower to implement the public procurement and property administration duties and reforms in the country. Generally it tries to equip them with the principles and cycle of public procurement management, and the national and international procurement procedures. Additionally, it seeks to produce marketing experts who can make significant contributions to Ethiopia's advancement of contemporary marketing practices.
Department of Tax and Customs Administrations
The success of tax and customs transformation programs depends largely on building the capacity of human capital that deals with tax and customs administration. As a result, education and training programs in the tax and customs administration become key in modern taxations system. The Department of Tax & Customs Administration of ECSU was established in collaboration with the Ethiopian Revenue and Customs administrations (ERCA) to develop the discipline of taxation and customs to make contributions to different professional programs and focus on research and under graduate and postgraduate studies. DTCA is at the forefront of tertiary education in tax & customs administration in Ethiopia and collaborates with stakeholders to ensure continued excellence in learning and teaching of revenue sector. The Department constitutes three programs; namely, Master of Arts in Degree in Tax Policy Administrations, Master of Arts in Customs and International Trade, and Bachelor of Arts in Tax and Customs Administrations. The focus of the Department of TCA is training professionals at satisfying national need for trained competent Practitioners in tax administration, customs administration or public finance management, specifically in the area of tax assessment, tax collection, customs operators, customs auditors, tax auditors, investigators, customs managers, and international trade. It also aims at strengthening the skills of tackling the tax & customs fraud and other unethical behaviors.


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