- All users are required to show their ID cards at the library entrance (checkpoint).
- Silence shall be strictly observed in the library.
- Smoking and chewing gum`s in the library are strictly prohibited.
- Leaving behind books, personal belongings or/and any other materials on reading tables is prohibited.
- Marking with pen or pencil on the books of the library is strictly forbidden.
- Reserving chairs, extended conversation and group discussion is not allowed in the library.
- Checking out materials for others is forbidden.
- Detaching and disfiguring of a part of a book is strictly prohibited.
- All users are required to return library materials whenever a hold is placed.
- All reserved books given for overnight use should be returned at 9:00 a.m. of the next day.
- Every user is required to return all textbooks he/she has borrowed from the bookstore at the end of every term.
- A book that is heavily damaged and cannot reasonably be expected to give its usual service is reported as a lost book.
- User should report to the circulation desk and fill out a ?Lost Book? form. As soon as he/she came to know that she/he has lost a book.
- When one pays for a lost book, he/she should make sure that he/she has received an official University receipt.
- The book card and personal ID card will be kept together at the circulation desk until the user returns the material.
- Violation of these rules will result in serious disciplinary measures based on the general regulations of the University.
- All users are required to get clearance from the library when they leave the University for one or another reason.
Overdue Fines and Conditions
Fines are charged on all lost or heavily damaged and overdue materials excluding the days when the library is not open as stated below:
- All users are required to show their ID cards at the library entrance (checkpoint).
- Silence shall be strictly observed in the library.
- Smoking and chewing gums in the library are strictly prohibited.
- Leaving behind books, personal belongings or/and any other materials on reading tables is prohibited.
- Marking with pen or pencil on the books of the library is strictly forbidden.
- Reserving chairs, extended conversation and group discussion is not allowed in the library.
- Checking out materials for others is forbidden.
- Detaching and disfiguring of a part of a book is strictly prohibited.
- All users are required to return library materials whenever a hold is placed.
- Every user is required to return all textbooks he/she has borrowed from the bookstore at the end of every term.
- A book that is heavily damaged and cannot reasonably be expected to give its usual service is reported as a lost book.
- User should report to the circulation desk and fill out a Lost Book form. As soon as he/she came to know that she/he has lost a book.
- When one pays for a lost book, he/she should make sure that he/she has received an official University receipt.
- The book card and personal ID card will be kept together at the circulation desk until the user returns the material.
- Violation of these rules will result in serious disciplinary measures based on the general regulations of the University.
- All users are required to get clearance from the library when they leave the University for one or another reason.
Overdue Fines and Conditions
Fines are charged on all lost or heavily damaged and overdue materials excluding the days when the library is not open as stated below:
- Users will pay Birr 1:00 for one-day overdue book. The fines will increase 1:00 birr for each day progressively.
- Your book-pocket will not be returned until you pay the fines in full.
- All reserve books on loan are due in 10 minutes before the library closes.
- Readers who delay reserve books for 15 minutes from the time given will not be allowed to use the library for one day.
- Students who fail to return the book they borrowed for overnight use at 9:00 a.m. in the next morning will not be given his/her ID card for the following two days.
- Library users will be charged twice the current local price for lost or heavily damaged books plus a service charge of 10% of the total price of the lost materials. But they can replace them with books of the same edition and condition.
- Without the book-pocket you will not be able to get clearance