
Development Management


The Department of Development Management is one of the seven departments under the College of Finance, Development and Management. The Department is currently offering Master’s program in Development Management (MDM) and undergraduate program in Development Management (BADM). The program provides the specialized knowledge and methodological training that goes beyond the usual horizons of those working in traditional Public Management, Political Science and Business Administration. The program stands pivotal in sensitizing students with the complicated development issues confronting the country so that they can be able efficiently and effectively contribute to poverty-eradication endeavors. This awareness of development complexities becomes even more crucial for Ethiopia as it becomes increasingly incorporated into the globalized world. The program, therefore, produces competent, efficient, effective, and ethical public servants who can serve in the public sector at both federal and regional government levels and significantly contribute to the realization of sustainable development goals of the country. The department has high quality and competent faculty staff who are actively engaged in teaching, training, problem solving researches and community services.


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