MSc Urban Planning and Development

Program level:
Credits (ECTS):
Due to the accelerating rate of urbanization world over; urban planning becomes essential in guiding, directing and managing urban spatial development trends since centuries. The complexities in the urban fabric have resulted in the need to train professional urban planners knowledgeable enough to shape the nature of the urban form through determining where, when and how development should occur.
The need for urban planning professionals in Ethiopia is growing rapidly, a situation amplified by increased awareness on the part of regional governments and city administrations about the benefits of planned urban development.
The general objective of this Master’s Program in Urban Planning and Development is hence to produce highly qualified planning experts specializing in urban planning and development. The Program aims at producing graduates highly equipped with theories and practices in urban planning and development at different urban levels.
Prerequisites & Requirements
The candidates for this program should have a bachelor’s degree in urban planning, architecture, engineering, surveying and other related fields.
Exit Level Outcomes
Graduate Profiles: MSc Urban Planning and Development
After completing the program and obtain MSc in urban planning and development participants will be able to
- Apply urban planning models, theories, concepts and facts while preparing urban plans at different urban levels
- Critically understand and analyze the socio-economic and physical linkage and interaction of urban areas within their regional setting and come up with plan development concepts
- Develop and conduct research on urban development related issues and present and communicate research results.
- Critically analyze and implement the legal and institutional instruments that helps the urban plan preparation of a given urban centres and its implementation.
- Critically analyze and review the urban development policies, their formulation and amendments,
- Design Neighborhood design and Local Development Plan ( LDP)
- Design monitoring and evaluation system for the implementation of urban development plans.
- Plan and facilitate community involvement and participation in urban development planning and management activities.
- Coordinate, as well as lead urban development projects and implementation programs at different urban and regional level.
Individual Clients
Civil servants working in urban planning, architecture or engineering, areas
Other stakeholders
NGOs, private consulting firms, companies, local and international organizations undertaking urban development program/projects