MSc Property Valuation and Asset Management

Program level:
Credits (ECTS):
The Master of Valuation and Property Development provides a wide range of skills that can be applied to global property markets. This program is designed to equip graduates with strong knowledge and advanced technical skills applicable to a variety of career paths such as investment, finance, asset management and research. The curriculum addresses a range of topics including finance and taxation, corporate portfolio management, risk identification and management, feasibility analysis, law, property valuation and market analysis. Each academic year is divided into two semesters. In the programme, special emphasis is given to core modules such as: Land administration management and land law, real property registration & LIS, land and real estate construction economics, real estate investment financing and business administration, municipal infrastructure and asset management, geospatial techniques for urban property valuation and asset management, real property valuation and taxation- theories and practices. In addition, modules on property valuation and taxation studio, quantity surveying studio and valuation practice and ethics proposal and related Presentations will be given in the Second Year First Semester; and Thesis Project during Second Year Second Semester.
Prerequisites & Requirements
Economics, Management Accounting, Urban Planning, Urban Engineering, BSc or MSc in Civil Engineering, Urban Management, Architecture, Urban Land Management, Construction Technology and Management, Surveying and other related fields or other degree/experience in the sector as certified as equivalent by the ECSU
Exit Level Outcomes
Graduate Profiles: MSc Urban Property Valuation & Asset Management /UPV&AM/
After the completion of the Masters of Sciences (MSc) Program in Property Valuation and Asset Management the Graduates will be able to:
- Understand and apply the principles of valuation and code of ethics.
- Estimate, forcast and determine the worth of property.
- Design and apply proper land & property valuation system and approaches.
- Understand the modern tools used for municipal Infrastructure & Asset Management
- Understand the condition of Real estate investment financing & business administration in developing countries.
- Explain the basic concepts & characteristics real property, apply the techniques of registering real property and employ different methods of cadastral surveying and its applications.
- Understand and apply principles and concepts of Geospatial technologies for urban property valuation and asset management.
Individual Clients
Federal, Regional, Municipal, Private Real estate developers and different governmental and non-governmental organisations engaged inproperty valuation and asset management.
Other stakeholders
Other Academic and Research Institutions, Eg; Addis Ababa University, Bahar Dir University, Urban Planning, Ministry of Urban Development, Housing and Construction.