Facts and Figures
The University promotes a participatory approach to decision-making at all levels. It constantly attempts to foster the ideals of cooperation by encouraging the involvement of its stakeholders towards its development and advancement.
The following special features make the ECSU system unique:
- Adoption of an interactive-oriented approach to teaching and learning
- Carrying out of needs assessment and impact evaluation
- Provision of special academic support programs for those in need
- DLC-based provision of training through fully interactive video conferencing facility
- Promotion of a participative management system
- Writing of senior essays, whereby students go back home to work on problems facing their respective regions
- Continual process of quality improvement
Financial support mainly comes from the Federal Government treasury as a recurrent budget for the execution of the University's activities, and a capital budget for building infrastructure capacity, as well as for student welfare services.
The University also generates income by providing training ,cosultacy and reserch and from the student cost-sharing scheme. The concept of cost sharing introduced at ECSU Since the inception of ECSU in 1995, every degree and diploma student has been paying to the University 25% of his/her net salary every month during their period of study.
Sources of Funding
Federal government budget
The Federal Government of Ethiopia covers full capital and recurrent budget. The average annual recurrent budget of the last three years amounts to over Birr 67 million and the average capital budget is to the tune of about Birr 98 million.
Projects funding through donor agencies
Internally generated revenue
Cost-sharing: Each student pays 10% of net salary monthly for 10 months
Training and services fees (on cost-recovery basis)