
Causes and Remedy of Squatting in Burayu Town, Ethiopia

TitleCauses and Remedy of Squatting in Burayu Town, Ethiopia
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsBekele, D, Asfaw, M, Jafri, SSA
JournalDeveloping Country Studies
ISSNISSN 2224-607X
KeywordsAccessibility and Squatter Settlements, Squatter
The first dilemma that millions of poor in urban areas of the developing world face and which is likely to persist
for a long period is the question of adequate housing. In this regard, 70 per cent of the urban population of
Ethiopia is living in slums and squatter settlements. This article is on accessibility of land for residential purpose
and existing squatter settlements in Burayu town in Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia. The population of
Burayu town is 100,200 (2010) and the town is located about 15 kilo meters from the city limits of Addis Ababa
metropolis, the capital of Ethiopia. The town is characterized by many land related problems like proliferation of
squatter settlements, expansion of slums and other illegal land developments. This article tries to identify the
root causes for squatting and assess the major local government responses in Burayu town. By the combination
of random and purposive sampling method, 246 squatter households were selected from different sections of the
town and quantitative data and qualitative information were collected from primary as well as secondary sources
to analyze. The result shows that on the contrary to many studies conducted on similar areas, the root cause for
development and expansion of squatter settlements in Burayu town is not economic poverty of the squatter
households. Rather, the main reason found is cumbersome procedures and very poor performance of Land
Development and Management Agency to deliver the land to the aspirants. Inability of the


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