
Cross Border Conflict in Gambella Regional State (from 1991 to 2011): The Impacts of the Cross Border Conflicts in Gambella Regional State

TitleCross Border Conflict in Gambella Regional State (from 1991 to 2011): The Impacts of the Cross Border Conflicts in Gambella Regional State
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsJal, GRuon
JournalPublic Policy and Administration Research
KeywordsConflict, cross-border conflict, Impact

Many Africans are experiencing ethnics-cross-border-conflicts which impose great social and economic costs.
The objective of this article is to identify the impacts of the cross border conflicts in Gambella Regional State
and its adjacent States in South Sudan. This study is more of qualitative research type. Both secondary and
primary data were collected using questionnaire, interview, focus groups discussion and documents analysis. The
study was conducted in Gambella region of Ethiopia and in Jonglei state of South Sudan. The respondents were
from affected communities (elders, elites, religious people, women, and youth) of Nuer, Anyuak and Murle,
governments’ officials and non-governmental functionaries’ workers. The sample size was 401. The focus group
discussions participants were select systematically and the rest informants were taken purposively. The
motivation factors of the cross border conflicts are to obtain additional livestock, to enable payment for marriage
as dowry, buying food items and clothes, to get honor to community, and to get economic benefits, up to 50
cows for child abduction. The cross border incursions have destructively affected the lives and economic
development of the people around this border. The conflicts have resulted in socio-economic deterioration of
farmers and pastoralists and weakening the proper functioning of local government, which in turns put the
existence of good governance and leadership under question. These incursions resulted in displacement of many
people, innumerable human death, cattle raided, innocent children abducted, food insecurity and dependency on
food aid.


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