
Gender and Climate Change

Topic: Gender and Climate Change

Background: Climate change poses a threat to human and physical environment. Although it is a global threat, its effects are disproportionately affect developing countries and disadvantaged groups in these countries. Among the factors that influence vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, existing asymmetric gender relation results in difference between men (or specific groups of men) and women (or specific groups of women). Hence, it has been argued that gender needs to be considered and addressed in any response to climate change. Accordingly, this training intends to equip participants with basic understanding of climate change and the relevance of gender to adaptation and mitigation responses.

Objectives: At the end of the training, trainees will be able to

  • describe basics of climate change and its effects
  • explain why and how gender influence volubility to climate change
  • identify the gender dimensions of climate change adaptation responses
  • elaborate green economy and its linkage with existing gender relations


Content: Include- basics of climate science; basics of gender; climate change impacts and gender nexus; gender and climate adaptation and resilience; and gender, mitigation and green economy (contents will be adopted based on organisational context and interest).

Duration: 2 days


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