
Gender Mainstreaming

Topic: Gender Mainstreaming

Background: Following the Beijing Platform for Action and Declaration in 1995, gender mainstreaming has gain prominence in international interventions and discourses as a strategic approach for achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment.  The Platform commits all stakeholders including international institutions such as UN and governments to implement gender mainstreaming in their development programs and interventions. Therefore, in Ethiopia, as signatory of this commitment, public sectors should implement gender mainstreaming at different stages in all social, economic and political spheres. Thus, participants will be provided with a comprehensive knowledge of gender mainstreaming and analysis and tools on how to mainstream gender. The training adopts an approach that emphasise on specific sector and organisational context through exercises and case studies.

Objectives: At the end of the training, trainees will be able to

  • Explain the basic concepts of gender
  • Elaborate different scope of gender mainstreaming
  • Familiar about gender analysis and its different frameworks
  • develop checklists of gender mainstreaming

Content:   Includes – definition and concept of gender; definition and concept of gender mainstreaming, tools and frameworks for gender mainstreaming and gender analysis; gender impact assessment; gender sensitive indicators; and gender mainstreaming checklists (contents will be adopted based on organisational context and interest)

Duration: 3 days


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