
Gender Sensitive Project Programme Cycle

Topic: Gender Sensitive Project/Programme Cycle

Background: To carry out effective and successful projects/programmes, considering gender remains crucial. Making projects/programmes gender sensitive does not mean adding gender/women related component when the project is implemented. Instead, gender needs to be considered at all stages of the project. In fact, using a gender lens at the project designing and proposal development stage is vital to ensuring that gender is considered once implementation begins. Thus, participants will be provided with basic understanding of project/programme cycle and strategies make every cycle gender responsible.

Objectives: At the end of the training, trainees are able to swap

  • explain basic concepts related to gender (gender relation, gender rights, gender-based discrimination, equality and equity)
  • explain the need of gender sensitisation of projects and programmes 
  • identify project stages (project situational assessment, analysis, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation)
  • apply a gender lens and inquiry at different stages of the project/ programme

Content: Includes: gender concept, gender relation, rights and roles and responsibilities,  gender based discrimination, equality and equity; gender sensitisation (different types of projects and programmes based on their engagement in relation to gender); project cycle; gender sensitive project cycles (project situational assessment, analysis, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation); group work activities in making practical organisational projects gender sensitive (contents will be adopted based on organisational context and interest)

Duration: 3 days


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