
Urban Poverty In Ethiopia -Problems And Prospects for Improvement

TitleUrban Poverty In Ethiopia -Problems And Prospects for Improvement
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsKassahun, S
JournalJournal of African Development Studies
Date Published12/2008
KeywordsEnvironmentalDegradation, Poverty alleviation., Urban Poverty, Vulnerability

The paper pointed out that the world is rapidly experiencing urbanization. It argues that as urbanization is increasing so also the incidence of urban poverty is increasing in-depth and intensity in cities of most developing countries of the world including Ethiopia. It traces the processes of urbanization and urban development in Ethiopia and highlights the prospects and problems of urban development. It discusses the dimension of urban poverty that manifests in various ways that include unemployment, poor housing condition characterized in overcrowding, lack of basic services and environmental degradation. It examines the concepts of urban poverty, household vulnerability and environmental degradation and highlights the relationship between poverty and environmental degradation. The paper also evaluates the various strategies that are adopted by government to eradicate poverty in Ethiopia and emphasized the importance of good urban governance in poverty alleviation.


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