
Decision Making

Topic: Decision Making Skill

Background: Decision making is a process that involves choosing alternatives to take advantage of multiple opportunities or to solve problems. In workplaces, making decision is important part of both leaders and employees daily duties and responsibilities. Thus, this training intends to provide participates with essential skills to define problems and/or opportunities that demand decision, to generate solutions and assess alternative proposals.

Objectives: At the end of the training, trainees are able to

  • explain stages of decision making process
  • identify the pros and cons of various ways of decision making styles 
  • recognise risks/uncertainty associated with decision making
  • elaborate factors affecting organisational decision-making process

Content: Includes- definition of decision making; stages/steps of decision making; styles of decision making; risk and uncertainty in decision making; and factors affect decision making (contents will be customised based on organisational context and interest).

Duration: 2 days


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