APD Gives Training Program
Ethiopian Civil Service University (ECSU) Academic Program Directorate(APD) gave four days “Teaching Skills Enhancement” training Programs from October 5- 9, 2021 at Hidase Hall. The training was delivered by Dr. Dessu Wirtu, from the Addis Ababa University curriculum and Instruction Department, and seventy- three instructors with an academic status of assistant professors and above participated.
Asked about the objectives and benefits of the training Dr. Temesgen Birega , Academic Programs Directorate Director, said that the primary objective of the training is to enhance and widen the pedagogical skills of the instructors and focuses on four basic areas; Learning Theory, Instructional Planning, Reflective Teaching and Active Learning and Assessment.
“Teaching learning process is not a matter of being knowledgeable in a specific area. It needs wisdom and technical skills of transferring what the instructors have no their field of studies to their students. In this regard ECSU has put a direction that Higher Diploma Program (HDP) is mandatory for all instructors. In connection to this more one hundred instructors have been certified with HDP programs so far. With the objectives of enabling those instructors who were unable to take the HDP training to acquire basic knowledge of pedagogical fundamentals, this supplementary training programs has been organized before the 2021/22 academic year officially begins,” Dr. Temesgen noted. He also underscored that the training continues and it is a must to all instructors who are not certified with HDP to participate in the next training program.