Ethiopian Civil Service University College of Finance, Management and Development, Department of Tax and Customs Administration held a seminar entitled ”Necessity of Tax Reform for Ethiopia”, on December 20, 2024 at Hidasse Hall.
At the opening of the program, Lemma Gudissa (PhD), ECSU Vice President for Academic Affairs, welcomed the participants and the presenters .He also recap the historical background of ECSU. He thanked the program organizer and the presenters who are e willing to share their invaluable experience to the university community and invited guests.
siting scholars from International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) paid an educational visit to Ethiopian Civil Service University on December 17, 2024.
Professor Fikre Dessalegne, Ethiopian Civil Service University President, and Prof. Busani Ngcaweni, National School of Governance Principal, Republic of South Africa, discussed on the bilateral cooperation between the institutions on December 11, 20024 at Senate Hall of the University.