ECSU Hands Over Assosa University Masterplan and Landscape Design
Ethiopian Civil Service University (ECSU) officially handed over the Assosa University Campus masterplan and landscape design project to Assosa University on January 15, 2024. Assosa University President Dr. Kemal Abdurahim has received the project design from Dr. Alemayehu Debebe, ECSU Vice President for Research and Partnership.
According to the project coordinator Ato Lisanework Sileshi, the project was conducted by ECSU Consultancy Service unit and the major purpose of the project was a preparation of physical plan for the Assosa University campus based on the University’s ten years strategic plan. The project made an effort to incorporate the university’s future expansions and constructions to meet further needs of the university in the future. The landscape design also take into account the climate condition of Asosa city in order to make the university campus suitable for the teaching learning processes.
He also noted that, apart from the income generated by the project, the preparation of this project opens an opportunity for ECSU to unveil its capability in designing other similar projects for different institution in need of such projects. In addition to building the image of the university, it was also a project where the university experts have gained practical knowledge and experience, Lisanework added.
On the project, ten ECSU scholars were involved and it took a total of one year for completion.
It is also known that ECSU has prepared and handed over different masterplan and landscape designing projects for different institutions and city administrations.