ECSU holds a Seminar on the Necessity of Tax Reform for Ethiopia
Ethiopian Civil Service University College of Finance, Management and Development, Department of Tax and Customs Administration held a seminar entitled ”Necessity of Tax Reform for Ethiopia”, on December 20, 2024 at Hidasse Hall.
At the opening of the program, Lemma Gudissa (PhD), ECSU Vice President for Academic Affairs, welcomed the participants and the presenters .He also recap the historical background of ECSU. He thanked the program organizer and the presenters who are e willing to share their invaluable experience to the university community and invited guests.
Prof. Dr. V. kommer, Executive Board Member and Director of Tax and Governance Consultancy Service, IBFD, thanked for the warm welcome. He also explained the current status of tax at the international arena in different countries. Tax has a significant progress in Creating and improving governance that need to ensure the growth in equitable way across the society. He also highlighted the issues of inflations, and the advantage of taxpayers. Tax authority must be an integral part of budget formulating, planning and control he added.
Professor Dr. Fesehatsion Menghistu, Tax and governance advisor, revealed that tax incentives alone are not the most important instrument of attraction of a foreign direct investment. Investors in developing countries are given license without being strongly scrutinized by government body. He emphasized that in the name of free market the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. FDI is still one of the most sensational, complex as well as ideological controversial devise not only with in government policy makers and political but also with in the academicians, he summarized.
Participant from University community, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Revenue raised different questions and suggestions and the presenters responded for the questions raised by the participants. At the end, Certificate of appreciation is given for the presenters.